Objectives of TPEOM.

The Global Environmental Recovery, Regeneration and the Saving of Planet Earth

The Pyran Environmental Organization, Malaysia (TPEOM) (NPO)(NGO)


To constitute TPEOM as a national, international membership organization, comprising of multi-disciplinary organizations, Multi-disciplinary professionals and any pertinent number of persons with a focused interest of the impact of human activities upon planet Earth's environment.

To contribute to our international capacity in environmental management through the, development / adaptation and promotion of the use of the sound stable realistic environmental management technology and practices amongst industries in the country of the full implementation, application of the EMC ~ MEC converter physics science technology unit of TPEOM. To contribute to our international capacity in environmental management through the, development / adaptation and promotion of the use of the sound stable realistic environmental management technology and practices amongst industries in the country of the full implementation, application of the EMC ~ MEC converter physics science technology unit.

To increase the awareness of organizations and individuals for environmental management through educational presentations of the now status of the global environment decline by Global Warming and the time line of is worsening, unless the full implementation of the EMC ~ MEC converter unit is applied with full dedication. This is THE Global event as a participation of the 235 countries listed upon planet Earth and inclusive of all the human peoples of those countries.

To promote interaction and understanding among individuals from multi-disciplinary backgrounds, such as scientists of all interns, disciplines, medical technologists (specialists), medical doctors, technologists of all capacities, engineers of all disciplines, business and industrial administrators, CEO, and government bodies and their government officers, ministers or Leaders, PM's, through the organizing of activities of such as audio visual presentation and meetings, conferences talks, to make visits and make awareness presentation functions concerning the definite capacity of the environment of planet Earth and what MUST be implemented and admirably continued within this daily fading time line.

To promote interaction and understanding among individuals from multi-disciplinary backgrounds, such as scientists of all interns, disciplines, medical technologists (specialists), medical doctors, technologists of all capacities, engineers of all disciplines, business and industrial administrators, CO's, and government bodies and their government officers, ministers or Leaders, PM's, through the organizing of activities of such as audio visual presentation and meetings, conferences talks, to make visits and make awareness presentation functions concerning the definite capacity of the environment of planet Earth and what MUST be implemented and admirably continued within this daily fading time line.

To organize scientific technical meetings (conferences, workshops) that include the audio graphic presentation of the now moment actual situation condition of planet Earth.

The completion of (Article II) that leads to a full exhibition of the operational method of the EMC ~ MEC converter and why and how the Environmental MEC converter is vitally pertinent to the environmental management and saving of planet Earth by way of the full daily implementation of the EMC ~ MEC converter unit(s) by every living human individual upon planet Earth. The best of the best of ways to absolutely dispose of 'rubbish.'

(Article II))
The full conference demonstration of the MEC converter unit

The focus is to fully complete, the conference demonstration presentation of the MEC ~EMC converter by Friday, 14 October 2030. Delay no way acceptable Absolute!!
**This item (Article II) completed
That considered conference, due to the location of it, may include government officers of Putrajaya, Malaysia. Therefore that gathering could number into seven or eight hundred + participants convening at that TPEOM, EMC ~ MEC converter presentation. Possibly the PM of Malaysia also for that conference. At that time as may the secretary general of the United Nations may attend the conference also.

Possibly the PM of Malaysia also for that conference. At that time as may the secretary general of the United Nations may attend the conference also. .

To co-operate with other national and international organizations with similar environmental objectives or interests to those of the TPEOM Core Articles and Activity Focus. .

Global Considerations

Conferences, workshops, seminars.

Take notice with all due considerations and conscientious forethought:
Planet Earth is a small definitely sized "room" with a definite 'capacity'.
The ongoing situation is that the human population of this ROOM is filling it with their discarded waste they produced/manufactured, and thus the room is shrinking to the point in moment when there will be no 'room' for anything dead or alive.
Thus at that point anything that survived up to that point of the room being filled to that full capacity will join the dead as will the planet itself. Thus The Point of No Return. .

TPEOM is truly, Honorably the final absolute solution by way of the application of some of the sciences of physics with the EMC ~ MEC environmental converter unit to do the complete removal of all the rubbish from Planet Earth and then make the end of toxic planetary poisoning!

The full removal of the destructive green house gases with no reoccurrence of them nor another Global Warming either.

Greenhouse gases Molecules, notably:
water, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen oxides

For this action to be completed by or before the year 2045 then all the countries (states) of planet Earth must contribute an applicable number of its capable able bodied people of 190,000 to meet with TPEOM for environmentalism training and thenafter the reception of 2 environmental converters per dual persn team. The total needed is 190,000 to go into the global environments of countries (states) to do the environmentalism of recovery for those countries, states, villages, townships, cities and surrounding areas. including landlocked aquatics.

This includes the involvement of NOAA teams for oceans.

All of this must focus into full accomplishment by or before the year 2045.

Must start by 2025, & conclude by no later than 2030.

Donate now as a financial tool for the saving of planet Earth and the life of you and yours. TPEOM is a NPO, NGO Non Profit Organization that legally must apply all of its received finances into and for environmentalism works or its infrastructure only. TPEOM is as a Non Government Organization (entity), not anything of a DBA for profit and will issue to you the donator a tax relief certificate to be used as a tax deductible modality to lower your tax due or to negate you from tax for that event.Donate now.

Planet Earth MUST be Cleaned and saved by or Before the calendar year of 2030
Absolutely No Exceptions!

1. For the truth of Pure Reality TPEOM invokes this call to all global leaders into contact to make their soonest contact with TPEOM and join into hands of Care with TPEOM this year of 2019.< < < <

2. Because 2035 is our final chance to start making a 'difference' .because 2047 is the `point-of-no-return` as not being enough time even for all of TPEOM's much advanced scientific technology to be focusedly and actively complete its DESTINY mission of saving this planet Earth before the year of 2048 of which is the final, final end of it all, with genocide to all species of life upon planet Earth and to Planet Earth itself.....

Then after for the coming two hundred and fifty million years being only as a modality of a recovering evolution, and perhaps an opening of a new species into this universe that is bipedal erect and intelligent and not in any way human to populate planet Earth in the millenniums to come after humanity and all other life forms of planet Earth died along with the temporary death of planet Earth.

3. Full continuance of Planet Earth and all living species of life of it.
Is the above paragraph of 1 or 2 your minds spirit? What is your true core spirit of choice?
3. Or is it TPEOM for you
Your industrialized selfishness. What says you, ALL OF YOU SO-CALLED HUMANS
I say it is now for all Ladies tell and guide those Hu'mans' to get their heads on the correct natural track for planet Earth.,

huMANs Where is your so-called 'goodness of Humanity' Humanitarianism¿

Humanity, Wake Up to all and what you are doing to your only home world as disastrously deadly for all of you and your home world also.

Generating a ridiculous financial income is of no value after you are dead for doing it. Any amount of your drive to possess financial cash will not save you from death as your cash drive continues to toxify and pollutionally poison your home world unto death.

Awaken and get awarely focused with all the exuberant intelligence you have that did invent and install this environmentally poisonous industrial revolution that is murdering humanities only home world Planet Earth.

Bodoh(idiot) Humanity, You have within your spirit as does a winning Olympian Athlete to merge together all the required resources to win at saving your lives by saving your home worlds ecological environments by making it clean, clear and neatly environmentally ecologically life giving and supportive again, before you lose all time and your only factually honestly true asset of your life that is planet Earth

Everything you have, did have, or may have never originated from you.

You're born into this world naked with nothing more than your bio flesh mother to love you and care for you thereafter.

Then from your mothers mother planet Earth you take, claim self posses mothers natural physical resources and tell all that those resources are yours, even though you ripped them away from your mother Planet Earth, the true originator of all of them and of you.

Now it is time to return care for your mother planet Earth before you conclude your careless nonconscientious plan of genocidal serial killer murderer.

(1) Go to the Announcement page

(2) `Awareness`, Compassion, Caring for all life and the Saving Of Planet Earth

(3) Contact TPEOM

(4) Go to the Donate to TPEOM page to save Yourself and planet Earth

(5) Go to the Donation page to save planet Earth,

(6) Energy to Matter Conversion Physics Science Dissertation P1

(7) Matter to Energy Conversion Physics Science Dissertation P2

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(9) Go To The Energy Cell Page

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(14) All Rubbish Items, A primely major problem!
How that rubbish is being Handled by not utilizing the TPEOM converter solution for it.! What all is being done with that rubbish as landfill dumping and also as being dumped into the oceans and seas of Earth Killing Planet Earth!!!!!



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The Global Environmental Recovery, Regeneration And The Saving Of Planet Earth
The Pyran Environmental Organization, Malaysia (TPEOM) (NPO)(NGO)
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